raw steel single pivot door with transparent door lite and round matching steel door pulls

Raw Steel Single Door with Round Lite Length Pulls & Doorlite

The industrial beauty of Raw Steel is used to clad the interior and exterior door skins of this modern front door. Raw Steel is sophisticated and good for the environment. Did you know that Modern Steel Doors uses steel with a recycled content of 97.5%? This means that the steel used to make your new front door has already been recycled at least once. That's right, your new Raw Steel Single Door could have been your grandpa's car. Steel is the most recycled material available. Actually, more steel is recycled than all other recycled materials combined. You become part of the solution when you choose our solid steel doors.

Modern Steel Doors used powder-coated paints to finish our doors. Powder-coated finishes are beautiful and durable. MSD has many stock finishes available at no extra charge. We also have an extensive variety of custom colors to offer our clients. Did you know that powder coatings are the most environmentally responsible finish? Powder coatings are solvent-free. Solvent-based liquid paints emit VOC (volatile organic compounds). The powder form of our paint is "fluidized" and then conveyed to the door. The powder paint remains "attached" to the metal door via an electrostatic application. The electrostatic application charges the powder paint with 100,000 volts to create a static charge. The powder-coated door is baked in a very large oven at 425 degrees. The high temperature activates the paint's crosslinking features. The crosslinking chemically bonds the primer to the topcoat. The primer is fused into the pores of the sandblasted metal door. That's is a lot of technology behind each of our paint jobs. Our painting process ensures that our clients enjoy a top-quality door and we protect our environment.

Modern Steel Doors is a conscientious company that only pursues win-win interactions. We offer our decades of experience to our clients around the world.

Rough Pricing for the 5' Raw Steel Single Pivot Door with Round Lite Length Pulls & Doorlite
$14,720 as shown door only
$12,420 value-based door only
$8,400 budget based 42" x 96" Non-Pivot Door only

Looking for a more affordable door? Consider our Builder's Series Line—an economical alternative to any Modern Steel Doors design. Get a stunning door without breaking the budget. Please fill out the form below to learn more about the Builder's Series from our design specialists.

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Door design and dimensions will be needed to create quote

Modern Steel Door prices begin at $6,330 & go up from there (US Dollars).

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